Mice Exterminator Shrewsbury PA

The common house mouse is what most people experience in the Fall when conditions outside cause the mice to move indoors in search of food.
We use 2 different types of paraffin wax bait blocks for all clean-out services. In extremely heavy infestations, we may need to use tracking powder. Mice will enter buildings through cracks or holes as small as a dime. Exclusion is often helpful to prevent future infestations. DSPM, mice exterminator Shrewsbury PA, does not provide this “exclusion” work. But we will make recommendations on any potential rodent entry points that we observe during our service. It is best if a general contractor or handyman does this type of work.
The average mouse service takes about an hour to complete by DSPM, mice exterminator Shrewsbury PA.
The size of the building & severity of infestation are the main factors that ultimately dictate the price.

Safety is Top Priority
Many people have pets & are concerned about the possible effects that our material will have on them. Safety is always a top priority when placing bait, especially when pets or small children are ever present.
We will never put bait in areas that are readily accessible to small children or pets. Adult cats are not a big concern. The bait simply does not tempt them. It is generally not palatable to them & they will leave it be. Kittens need to be monitored the first couple days, to make sure they are not trying to extract some hidden bait. Dogs do need to be monitored also to make sure they do not try to find the hidden bait. Puppies are the most vulnerable, due to their smaller size & the fact that they will readily eat anything & everything they can find. DSPM, mice exterminator Shrewsbury PA, will always inform the homeowner of all the areas where bait was placed at the conclusion of the service. We will not be held responsible for pets that get into bait that could potentially become exposed when furniture & appliances are moved or remodeling occurs.
The homeowner may need to provide a stepladder if it is necessary to get into crawl spaces or attics without pull-down stairs.