Pricing Guide


Residential Pricing Guidelines (all prices subject to 6% PA sales tax)

Clean-Out Service is an intensive initial treatment utilizing all resources necessary to drastically reduce or, if possible eliminate the imminent infestation(s):

Ants, Soil (Interior & Exterior): $299 (Base Rate) for homes up to 1,800 sq. ft.. Approx. $10 more for each additional 200 sq. ft.. Soil ants include several species incl. Pavement Ants, Odorous House Ants, Argentine Ants, Thief Ants, Pharaoh Ants to name a few. Carpenter Ants are not included.

Ants, Carpenter (Interior & Exterior): $439 (Base Rate) for homes up to 1,800 sq. ft.. Approx. $20 more for each additional 200 sq. ft..

Bed Bugs (Interior Only): $720 base rate includes “2-phase” treatment (approx.. 2 weeks apart) in up to 3 rooms. Each additional room is $180 more. A $95 cancelation fee will be enforced if clean-out service is canceled with less than 24 hr. notice. More specific pricing explanations are on Bed Bug Preparation Instructions” page.

Cockroaches/Single Family Dwelling (Interior Only): $299 (Base Rate) covers light – light/moderate infestation. Severity of infestation & size of building will affect price. Multi-unit apartment buildings are (base-rate) priced at $80 more for each additional unit. (ex.- the base rate for a 3 unit apartment bldg. is $459). An approximate price breakdown, factoring “infestation severity” (for a single family dwelling) is as follows:

  • Light to Moderate: $299-$339,
  • Moderate/Heavy: $349- $399,
  • Heavy: $409-$459,
  • Extreme: $469+.

(*Basic Monthly Maintenance service is strongly recommended to follow up German Cockroach Clean-Out services). Some cockroach species may require some exterior application (such as Oriental Cockroaches).

Fleas (Interior Only): $340 (Base Rate) covers homes up to 1,800 sq. ft.. (Approx. $10 more for each additional 100 sq. ft.). Finished basements & number of rooms with carpet (and thickness of carpet) can also affect price.

Spiders (Interior & Exterior): $299 (Base Rate) for homes up to 1,800 sq. ft.. Approx. $10 more for each additional 100 sq. ft.. Large decks generally cost an additional $20-$40. Sheds, outbuildings & garages are priced as follows:

  • Small sheds: $20,
  • Large sheds: $30,
  • Single car garage: $60,
  • Large / double car garage: $80.

Stink Bugs (Exterior Only): $239 (Base Rate) for homes up to 2,000 sq. ft.. Approx. $10 more for each additional 100 sq. ft..

Wasps / Yellow Jackets / Hornets (Exterior Only, Nest Specific Treatment): $179 (Single nest treatment. $40 more for each additional nest). ALSO; entire exterior preventive treatments can be performed in the Spring for $219 (base rate).

Mice: (Base Rate – Interior Only): $299 covers most infestations. Price may be higher for heavier infestations or extra large houses.

General Pest Control (Ants, Spiders, Centipedes, Bees/Wasps & miscellaneous crawling insects): $379 (Base Rate) covers most homes up to 2,000 sq. ft.. Certain styles of homes, large decks, additions, etc. can affect pricing. Full interior & exterior application included with this service.

Maintenance Services

Maintenance Services (are “preventive” type services initiated ONLY AFTER a clean-out service is performed to reduce the infestation).

These services are considerably less expensive than “Clean-out” services because they are designed as an efficient & cost effective means of keeping pests under control, keeping time & materials costs lower, therefore allowing DSPM to perform these services at a lower cost. Maintenance service plans & pricing become void after 90 days pass without having a service performed (with the exception of our Full Protection & Exterior Maintenance Plans, which do not include scheduled services over the Winter months.) OR if any outstanding balance is due on the account. At this point, a clean-out service would need to be performed again prior to resuming any maintenance plan.

*Basic Maintenance Service – Base Rate: $68 (single family dwelling), $20 more for each additional unit. Rate will be $20-$40 more per service (temporarily) for heavier infestations, until infestation is brought under control. Maintenance service following a German cockroach clean-out service should be monthly until infestation is under control (usually 2-3 months for light infestation or up to 6 months for heavy infestations). Minimum frequency of “Every-Other-Month” is required to maintain maintenance-rate pricing & is often sufficient after infestation is controlled. After 90 days pass without a service performed, the maintenance plan is voided & a Clean-Out service would be required before resuming Maintenance service plan.

Exterior Maintenance Plan (Our most Cost Effective Plan): Base rate is $108 per service (3 scheduled visits/yr.) & covers most homes up to 2,000 sq. ft.. This plan is the most economical plan offered & is designed as an “Exterior Only Application”. Interior can be treated for an additional cost (usually $40-$60 more) ALL 3 visits must be performed within a calendar year in order to keep maintenance plan/pricing active. A “Flat Rate” Warranty applies: $68 per incident to treat a problem area on the INTERIOR ONLY (with exception of bee/wasp nests). However, the next scheduled service can be moved up & performed early, so as to not incur any additional expense to overall yearly cost of plan. Scheduling Policy: For this particular plan, DSPM will give the customer 1 – 2 days notice via text message notification. It is required that we’re able to perform the service at this time. (Postponing or rescheduling service is not permitted, except in extenuating circumstances).

Full Protection Maintenance Plan: Base rate is $150 per service (w/4 scheduled visits per yr.) & covers most homes up to 2,000 sq. ft.. This is the most comprehensive plan & includes a *Free service warranty. **Target pests include all species of Ants, Centipedes, Earwigs, Crickets, Ground Beetles, Silverfish, Spiders, Mice & Bees/Wasps. Guidelines/Restrictions: Scheduled services must be current (completed) w/no outstanding balance due for warranty to be valid. If a service is “skipped”, warranty will be void until 2 consecutive, scheduled services are performed. A minimum of 3 services/year must be performed in order to keep maintenance plan/pricing active. *Free warranty services can be requested by the customer only after at least 2 weeks have passed since last service date. Warranty services apply to INTERIOR ONLY (with exception of bee/wasp nests), to **target pests only & only the rooms/areas where the problem exists. DSPM reserves the right to perform the next scheduled service up to 2 weeks early in lieu of a free warranty service. SCHEDULING POLICY: If customer cannot accommodate DSPM’s initial scheduled time for service, the custome r is responsible to counter offer another option. If this other option cannot be accommodated by DSPM, we will perform the exterior service as originally scheduled by DSPM & customer is charged for full service & the free service warranty will still remain in effect.